How to Use Social Media Marketing to Boost Brand Visibility

How to Use Social Media Marketing to Boost Brand Visibility

Written by Tech Tired Team, In Marketing, Published On
September 9, 2024

Social media marketing (SMM) promotes brands through social networks to achieve various marketing goals. It involves more than just posting updates; it requires planning, content creation, audience engagement, advertising, and ongoing optimization. SMM enhances visibility, fosters engagement, and drives conversions by integrating brands into users’ daily lives.

Why you need social media marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social media has transformed business-audience interactions. It’s crucial for:

Improved brand awareness:

Social media builds genuine connections and community, boosting business visibility. A solid strategy is key to reaching your audience, with 94% of consumers engaging on platforms monthly. Investing just an hour daily can significantly enhance brand visibility and user experience, with over 91% of marketers seeing noticeable improvements.

Cost-effective advertising:

Social media advertising is a cost-effective way to reach customers. Starting small with paid ads helps manage budgets and maximize ROI. Investing strategically can enhance conversion rates and provide significant returns.

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Engagement with customers:

Social media enables meaningful customer interaction, increasing conversion opportunities and understanding their needs. Effective two-way communication fosters brand loyalty and enhances customer satisfaction.

B2b lead generation:

Platforms like Twitter/X have seen a rise in B2B lead generation effectiveness from 4% to 23%, emphasizing the need for adaptable strategies. LinkedIn’s fluctuating impact also highlights the importance of aligning with B2B buyer preferences. With its emerging trends and visual-centric approach, Instagram has become a powerful platform for B2B lead generation. Its diverse features offer unique opportunities for businesses to leverage Instagram trends effectively.

Improved brand loyalty:

Active social media presence facilitates customer connection and retention, enhancing loyalty. Regular engagement helps build lasting bonds and positions social media as a key promotional platform.

Increased customer satisfaction:

Social media enhances the brand image by fostering personalized communication and valuing customer feedback. Tailoring responses to individual comments positively impacts customer satisfaction.

Marketplace awareness:

Social media provides insights into customer needs and preferences, serving as a valuable research tool. Observing interactions helps understand customer and competitor behaviour, guiding business strategies.

Enhanced brand authority:

Regular, authentic engagement on social media builds a positive brand image and reinforces authority. Satisfied customers sharing positive experiences further strengthen your brand’s reputation.

Increased website traffic:

Sharing quality content on social media drives traffic to your website, creating more conversion opportunities and boosting inbound visits.

Enhanced SEO rankings:

A robust social media presence contributes to SEO success. Sharing content on social platforms signals brand validity and consistency to search engines, supporting better rankings.

How to conduct marketing on social media

Social Media Marketing

To fully leverage social media marketing, businesses should adopt a strategic approach:

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1. Align goals with business objectives:

Set S.M.A.R.T. goals: Ensure goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Track relevant metrics: Focus on engagement, click-through, and conversion rates rather than vanity metrics.

2. Understand your audience:

Develop buyer personas: Understand their age, location, income, job title, and interests.

Utilize analytics: Use social media analytics to gain insights and refine your strategy.

3. Analyze competitors:

Conduct competitive analysis: Identify your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.

Employ social listening: Monitor competitors’ activities and audience responses to their content.

4. Perform a social media audit:

Evaluate current efforts: Assess what’s practical, understand your audience, and compare your performance to competitors.

Identify impostor accounts: Detect and address fake accounts impersonating your brand.

5. Set up and optimize accounts:

Choose networks: Decide which platforms align with your goals.

Optimize profiles: Ensure consistent branding and include relevant keywords and high-quality images.

6. Find inspiration for content creation:

Look at successful brands: Draw ideas from leading social media accounts and industry case studies.

Ask followers: Gather input on what content your audience wants.

7. Create a strategic content calendar:

Plan content: Schedule posts and ensure a mix of content types (e.g., promotional, educational, and personal interactions).

Set posting frequency: Adjust based on platform norms and audience engagement.

8. Craft compelling content:

Align with network purpose: Tailor content to each platform’s unique characteristics and audience expectations.

9. Track performance and make adjustments:

Monitor metrics: Use analytics to track performance and make data-driven adjustments.

Benchmark results: Compare your performance to industry standards to gauge success.

These steps help ensure your social media strategy is aligned with your business goals, audience needs, and industry standards.

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Leading social networks for marketers

Social Media Marketing

Each social network has its unique features and audience demographics. Understanding these nuances helps in crafting platform-specific strategies.


With nearly 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers extensive reach. It caters primarily to adults and provides various business tools, including ads and groups. However, organic reach has declined, making paid advertising essential.


Instagram, with 1.4 billion monthly users, is popular among younger demographics. Its visual nature and features like Stories, Reels, and Shopping make it ideal for brands focusing on visual content and direct sales.

Note: Experimenting with posting times and using Instagram Insights (if available) to track engagement can help you determine the best times to post on Instagram for your particular audience.


With over 2 billion monthly users, YouTube is key for video marketing. Use it for various content types or partner with influencers. Red Bull shows effective use of branded extreme sports content.


Social media has transformed how businesses engage with audiences, offering critical benefits like boosted brand awareness, cost-effective advertising, and valuable customer insights. An effective strategy enhances engagement, B2B leads, and SEO rankings, driving growth and elevating your brand. Align your social media efforts with business goals, understand your audience, and use analytics and strategic content to maximize impact. Embracing these practices ensures your social media presence amplifies your overall business strategy.

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